Writer-director Rian Johnson’s highly-anticipated follow-up to 2019 Knives Out finally hit Netflix on December 23, and has secured the top spot on the streamer’s English-language film charts for the week of December 26 to January 1. According to Variety, the film quickly became Netflix’s third most watched film in hours viewed in its first 10 days–racking up 127.25 million hours watched in barely over a week.
Other data on the movie’s Christmas debut includes it reaching No. 10 on the Most Popular Film list. All of which is great news for Johnson, star Daniel Craig, and Netflix as the streaming service was recently criticized for “leaving money on the table” with a limited theatrical engagement–a criticism Netflix founder and co-CEO Reed Hastings agreed with, for what it’s worth–around Thanksgiving. The satirical mystery is now behind only Red Notice (364.02 million) and Don’t Look Up (359.79 million), but has plenty of time to catch up as those metrics are tallied based on a movie’s first 28 days of streaming.